Predictive Profiling and Tactical Analysis

Predictive Profiling is the guiding concept that has driven the development of the Tactical Analysis course.  The goal is to make Marines, police officers, and security professional capable of predicting the 5 W’s for any attack the enemy can present to us.  Because protectors can be in any country in the world, preparing for this situation can be very challenging.  In fact, it would be impossible to train protectors for every possible scenario with the limited time and resources we have prior to being in the area.

The one constant that Marines will face anywhere we deploy to, however, will be people.  No matter where we end up, whether responding to a natural disaster in a humanitarian assistance role or conducting dynamic entry into a port city, we will always be dealing with humans in some fashion.  In order to prepare our Marines for success, the Combat Hunter program was created as a form of Predictive Profiling that has a human behavior centric focus that is universally applicable.

Predictive profiling is possible due to human nature and our desire to continuously set patterns through our daily life.  By understanding the patterns that people have created for themselves, we can accurately predict what, where, and when people are going to do certain things.  That is the concept that lets us conduct Tactical Analysis.  Behavioral analysis is predicting and identifying threats.  This allows us to maintain the upper hand by proactively dealing with that threat and exploit the enemy’s vulnerabilities.

There are 6 domains of a behavioral analysis program that allow us to identify and communicate the patterns we are observing:

  • Geographics: The relationship between people and their environment
  • Proxemics: The relationship between people and space, specifically interpersonal relationships
  • Atmospherics: The collective feel of an area
  • Biometrics: Uncontrollable bodily reactions
  • Kinesics: The study of body language
  • Iconography: What people are communicating about themselves and their beliefs

The goal of The CP Journal is to fill the educational gap between security personnel (military, law enforcement) and the insurgents, terrorists and criminals who blend in with unarmed civilians and use our own legal system against us.  By understanding human behavior, we can target them more effectively, collect higher quality intelligence, restrict their freedom of movement, and undermine their support networks.

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