The digital content that you now have access to in the The CP Journal is continuing to grow. We now have videos uploaded to our new YouTube channel: CPJournal.TV. The first few videos are getting uploaded now, and videos will keep getting added to YouTube as they are shot. We have some great interviews planned with some industry thought leaders that we think you will find extremely valuable.
Friday is the day of the week that I like to post something related to starting and growing a small business. Today’s lesson? Give viewers the content in the form that they are asking for it in. It took a while to figure out exactly what types of videos (presentations, interviews, and training clips) that I wanted to add, but after getting asked repeatedly why we didn’t have more videos, I couldn’t hold out any longer.
My goal is to keep building the library of digital resources – articles, pictures and videos – that we need to separate our enemy from the crowd he hides amongst. Thanks for reading and stick around, we aren’t done yet.