Recognizing that violent acts are going to occur requires that we observe more than just the criminals, insurgents, and terrorists plotting the attacks. Obviously, by identifying those individuals we can get much further left on the attack timeline, however the reason we start by establishing a baseline for the area you are in is because human behavior can provide a great deal more information than that singular purpose.
Think about this. Every Atmospheric Shift is caused by an anomaly, but not every anomaly causes an Atmospheric Shift. There are situations when you simply feel that something going to go wrong because you see a shift in the collective mood of the area. While this is a very clear indicator, without first having a baseline to compare to, there is the chance that you question your suspicion or second-guess yourself. There are other times when a criminal can be subtle enough to avoid causes the ripples in the environment that would attract your attention.
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The key is identifying anomalies. That is what everyone wants to do. The anomaly is the attacker. The anomaly is the insurgent, the criminal, the terrorist, whoever it is that we’re out there trying to stop.
A lot of training exists of how to specifically find that anomaly. What cues might a single person give off that should alert us to their intentions? There’s a lot of training that’s out there that focuses on the decision. Once we know who the enemy is, how are we going to deal with him? What’s unique about being an anomaly, though, is that the anomaly is in relation to something to stand out. The person who has those violent intentions will stand out, but you have to stand out compared to something. You have to understand the baseline for the area that you’re in. Individual people have baseline behavior, groups of people have a baseline; what is normal, what’s expected.
You can look at a small, confined area like a Starbucks and identify what the baseline is. When people come through that door, we can predict, there’s give or take about five steps that every single person will do once they walk through that front door, as soon as they deviate from those patterns, we can start to pick up on them. But until we understand what’s normal for an individual, for a group, for a small confined area, even for an entire village, or a specific situation like a protest or riot, once we know how to define what’s normal, the anomaly will stand out. The anomaly becomes much more apparent to us once we’ve taken the time to explicitly state what’s normal here.
Here is why:
Without the clearly defined norm for what you expect to see in the area/environment, in the groups of people, and in individual people, the criminal who is subtle enough to not attract a great deal of attention to himself will remain hidden. This includes identifying individual criminals and clarifying how the innocent populace acts in order to see the pre-event indicators regardless of how they are communicated.
That is why February’s issue of the CP Journal, Creating Order Out Of Chaos, is focused on teaching you how to build that foundation through the articles and videos inside of it. The importance of that starting point can’t be overstated. You can attain a level of clarity by clearly articulating what is normal for wherever you are located, whether that is for an entire village, a small area, inside of a group of people or observing a sole individual. Without the baseline, you are limiting yourself to only recognizing one portion of the pre-event indicators that could be the warning needed to save your life or stop the criminal, and it just isn’t enough.