When we launched the flagship version of our Tactical Analysis online program nearly a year and a half ago, we decided to begin offering our courses online for two reasons. The first was to meet the needs of one of our best clients who were looking for a way to scale our in-person course to their workforce that was distributed throughout the country. The second reason was to fulfill one of the initial goals that I had when I started The CP Journal. In an article that I posted when we first launched the online program, titled “Remembering The Trigger,” I talked about the fact that the Combat Hunter Program was only training about 40 out of every 1,000 deploying Marines during my time as an instructor and how that fact never sat well with me. It wasn’t right that Marines who were deploying were getting turned away from the information that was saving lives because there were only a limited number of instructors available to teach them the material. When we made the Tactical Analysis program available online, we wanted to ensure that anyone who wanted to learn could do so on their own because no Marine or soldier, no police officer, and no security professional should have to be put into harm’s way without having access to learning what is needed to get left of bang.
Over the last eighteen months, we have made countless improvements to our “Basic Program” based on the feedback we have received from each and every user who has completed the course. However, about three months ago, it became clear to us that simply making improvements to the existing course was no longer the best way to deliver learning and value to our clients, so we began looking at what would be needed to overhaul the program and release a completely new and updated class. As of last Friday, we are happy to announce that the recording of the new version for our “Basic Course” is complete. Here is what you can expect to see happen in approximately two weeks and over the next couple of months:
- An opening of “The Academy” where users can go through our training, play games, take quizzes, test their knowledge and practice what they learned to achieve mastery.
- Basic programs tailored to your needs. Instead of offering one generic version of the class the way that we do now, you can choose whether you want to learn behavioral analysis in programs tailored for the military, law enforcement, private/corporate security or schools.
- For course graduates, you can expect an email in the coming weeks with the information needed to log on and get an early look at the programs that you and your feedback has helped to improve.
With the completion of the Basic Program, we are underway recording the classes for our “Advanced Program” where you can expand on the skills learned in the Basic Course, where you learned how to assess individual people and the four primary clusters of behavior, and learn the process for establishing baselines for any area you go to.
As always, please continue to send your feedback on our content and programs to ensure that we are continuing to deliver value to you, our clients. Stay tuned for updates and keep doing what is needed to get left of bang and stay there.