Have A Video or A Case Study That You Want to Share?

We always hope to improve our courses by making them as specific to the audience we are teaching them to as possible. To continue to improve our classes and to keep them as recent and relevant to current events as possible, we need your help. If you have a video, a story, or an experience, that you would be willing to share that also includes the following elements, please reach out to discuss it with us.

Stories and Experiences:

  1. We are looking for stories and experiences about times when you faced a non-routine event.
  2. We are looking for stories and experiences about when events didn’t go as planned.
  3. We are looking for stories about situations that required special experience.
  4. We ask that this story happened to you personally, or that you introduce us to the person who did experience these events, so that the examples are firsthand and an accurate account of the situation.


  1. We are looking for videos of areas typically visited for the purpose of establishing baselines. We prefer that the video length is at least five minutes long so that an observer has sufficient time to analyze the behavior of the people within the area. It is better when the camera is held steady (as opposed to being panned from one side of the area to the other) for that entire time. The focus for these videos is to master the process of establishing a baseline.
  2. Videos of crimes or attacks. We prefer videos where there is footage of the criminal or attacker for at least a few seconds before the attack begins so that we can analyze the pre-event indicators. The longer the criminal is in view before the attack, the better. The focus is on the anomaly.
  3. Videos that are used to assess people using any of the fourteen assessments that goes into the Tactical Analysis program. View a full list of behaviors and assessments here. The focus is on the behaviors themselves.

While preparing to release our new online version of the Tactical Analysis Basic Course, which became available to the public last week, we rebuilt our course from the ground up so that we could quickly incorporate new events, case studies and examples into the program. Our goal was to increase the speed at which current events could be added into the program so that our students could learn from them. As the nature of threats and violence continues to change around the world, staying current and providing relevant examples to those who voluntarily go into harms way is important to us.

Last weekend, a long time friend of The CP Journal sent us an email with information about the attack on the U.S. Ambassador, Mark Lippert, in South Korean. Since I hadn’t yet had the opportunity to research the attack, almost all of in the information in the email was new to me, but I quickly saw why our friend chose to pass it on to us. Even though this person wasn’t giving a first hand account of the attack, because the information related to situational awareness and behavioral analysis in a real life example, we immediately saw how it could benefit our students. Only a few days after receiving the email we recorded a new version of module 3-1, “A Case Study In Threat Recognition,” using the attack and updated the online programs for our private security and military clients. It is because of the relationships we have built with some outstanding professionals that we are able to continue to get the feedback and suggestions necessary to make improvements and updates to our courses.

If you would like to help develop members of the military, police officers and those concerned about their own security, please drop us a line to let us know. We look forward to talking with you.



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