One of the most common questions that we receive from organizations here at The CP Journal is how they can deliver our Tactical Analysis training program to their entire team using our online learning platform at Because we get this question often, we want to share this post to outline how organizations can implement our online learning platform into their existing processes whether they currently use technology-based learning or not.
For those of you that are unsure if our program and platform are right for you, we encourage you to spend more time on our blog to better understand our methodology and training foundations. If you are already familiar with our training tenets, but have not yet seen our online platform, you can check out the first few modules for free by choosing a version of the course towards the bottom of this page. Assuming you have decided that you want to incorporate our course into your training curriculum, we have three main requirements to scale the content to everyone:
- Each student must have a unique, valid e-mail address in order to be properly enrolled in the course.
- Each organization must allow communication between The CP Journal and their teams via e-mail so that we can send instructions and make ourselves available for support as needs come up.
- Each student must have access to the Internet to access the course material. Because we continually make updates and enhancements to the courses, we house all of our materials in our Virtual Academy, which requires Internet capabilities to stream.
While we have become the first online learning platform for some of our clients, many of the organizations that we currently partner with had some form of learning technology already incorporated into their team’s personal development programs before they began working with us. The initial thought of adding an additional third-party provider to their mix was often a little daunting, but we have found that we can seamlessly integrate our Tactical Analysis program into existing learning software by customizing three elements of our courses:
- Enrollment options can be customized. Whether you want us to onboard your entire team on the back-end or have each individual student notify us directly for his or her enrollment request, we can usually make the process as specific as you would like.
- Tracked enrollment of users, progress, and results using a shared database coordinated between The CP Journal and your leadership teams.
- Course completion certificates delivered to each student, which can then be uploaded as an assignment on your internal/third-party learning systems.
Since 2011 we have been delivering this content to small and large teams and we have received a significant amount of feedback about how best to meet the needs of our clients. If you have never used an online learning platform or if you are already using online learning to deliver your training content, we have options to help you include behavioral analysis content to help you build this skillset. The purpose of this post was to outline three key considerations for teams that are looking to include an online learning component to their training curriculum, or that are looking to integrate our learning technology into their existing learning management software. We have touched on a few of the key considerations for you to consider, but there are many more things that we can build or customize in order to easily and seamlessly put our content into your team’s hands. Please never hesitate to contact us directly with any questions or if you would like additional information on how to deliver our courses to your organization.
Thank you, as always, for your continued support.