Nifty News

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Here are some articles that we’ve been reading and wanted to pass along: 1. “Billy Beane on Making Better Decisions, Challenging Entrenched Thinking, and Avoiding Biases.” A great article from “Farnam Street” about the answers that Billy Bean gave during a conference this past April. 2. “Why You Can’t Buy A Car On” An article...

Here are some articles we read this week that we thought were valuable and wanted to pass on for your 4th of July weekend: This past May, the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing released a report with their recommendations for police officers and departments to improve the level trust between the public and law enforcement while effectively...

This month marked the one-year anniversary of the release of our book, Left of Bang: How the Marine Corps’ Combat Hunter Program Can Save Your Life.  Through the end of June, the book has received over 150 reviews across various distributors (Amazon, Amazon’s international sites, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, and iTunes amongst others), and has...

Here are some articles we read this week that you might find interesting: “So You Want To Be A PLA Expert?” An article from War On The Rocks with recommended reading to become an expert on China’s military. “The Tension Created By Stretch Goals.” An article from Farnam Street about the impact that unattainable goals...

Here’s some links to what we’ve been reading this week: Here are some thoughts on Strategy that can help you evaluate, craft and realize when your strategy is really good or really bad. “7 Things Sales People Do to Make Prospects Dislike Them” – The topic of ‘feel’ comes up a lot in the work that we...

Here are 5 weekend reads that we wanted to pass on: “Choose Yourself!” – The kindle edition is only 99 cents and if you want one or want to give a copy to someone who can’t afford it, James will send you a copy for free.  Worth it either way. “Finding Your Passion” – A...

This video analysis is part of our recently released training center content.   Video Transcript *** The following is a transcription of a video that was done by Speechpad.  We recommend that you watch the video, but if you prefer to read a transcription, please understand the difficulty in transcribing an unscripted presentation and ignore...

Here is what we’re reading and felt was worth passing on to you for some weekend reading. From Patrick “An Alternative Framework for Agent Recruitment: From MICE to RASCLS” – An application of Robert Cialdini’s principles of influence to agent recruitment in the CIA “The DBT and Its Role in Protection” by Rick Colliver – A...