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This article was originally written for the International Security Driver Association. I recently posted an article titled “How Security Leaders Can Influence the Mood at Venue Entrances” discussing how security leaders can improve their ability to protect event sites by creating orderly processes that people move through while entering a stadium and venue. The core...

Here at The CP Journal, a lot of our work centers on personal safety and security and is geared towards professions such as the military, police, and security. However, many of the concepts that we teach our clients can be easily transferred to the civilian world for anyone to use.  In two recent posts, I...

Atmospherics are often the first thing assessed when a person enters a new area – whether the place makes you feel safe or if it makes you feel threatened. This first assessment will often be made intuitively and outside of conscious awareness, but after that decision is made, a person has the opportunity to understand...

Negative Atmospherics is the sense that a person has about a situation or place that makes them feel threatened.  The feeling that an area is threatening and unsafe will often be assessed intuitively from the collective mood, emotions and behavior of everyone present.  This will likely be the first thing determined upon entering a new...

Positive Atmospherics is the sense that a person has about a situation or place that makes them feel that the area is secure.  The feeling that an area is safe and non-threatening will often be assessed intuitively from the collective mood, emotions and behavior of everyone present.  This will likely be the first thing determined...