Tools, Guides, and References

Field guides, one-pagers, and other references related to The CP Journal's approach to behavioral analysis, threat recognition, and getting left of bang.

The Hasty Search: A Flowchart

The hasty search is the first series of assessments and analysis that we recommend observers take when entering a new location to quickly determine if there is an anomaly worth investigating in order to ensure their own safety.

This flowchart establishes and defines the steps that go into "the hasty search."

Download the Hasty Search Flowchart

The Deliberate Search: A Flowchart

Once an initial baseline has been established using "the hasty search," we recommend that observers conduct a more detailed analysis of the area using "the deliberate search" to identify any anomalies that may be present.

This flow chart establishes and defines the process that goes into conducting "the deliberate search."

Download The Deliberate Search Flowchart

The Assessments

Each assessment that goes into the Four Pillars of Observable Behavior has a list of observations that support them.  These printable cards are designed to be a pocket guide to help observers practice making each behavioral assessment that goes into our approach whether in the field or in front of a computer.

Download the Assessments