On June 13th, 2013, I hosted a webinar discussing how behavioral analysis can help ensure the safety of schools. If you would like to read the speaking notes that accompany the slides, you can read them below:
On June 13th, 2013, I hosted a webinar discussing how behavioral analysis can help ensure the safety of schools. If you would like to read the speaking notes that accompany the slides, you can read them below:
In the military, every operation gets looked at from two perspectives. The first is from the friendly perspective (as a Marine or Soldier looking at the enemy.) The second is from the enemy’s perspective (what he would be thinking looking at us.) This is done to ensure a comprehensive approach to mission planning and, while...
We have gone through the 6 different clusters that we use to define a person’s body language and expanded the possible behaviors that you can use classify the people you are observing. The more you practice identifying these clusters will allow you to quickly establish baselines for individuals as well as notice the subtle changes...
After having a conversation with another Combat Hunter instructor about the how confident students should be making decisions immediately following our course, I wanted to find some more information about people’s confidence in reading nonverbal cues. We want our students to be confident after the course, because without confidence in the accuracy of their observations,...
Of the “Must Read” books listed on the recommended reading list, Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction, 7th Edition, by Mark Knapp and Judith Hall is at the bottom for a reason, but not because it is a bad read or without great information. It is there for the exact opposite reason; it is absolutely full...
The foundation of any behavioral analysis program begins with a deep understanding of what a person is conveying through their nonverbal communication. Tying the domains Kinesics and Biometrics together allow us to quickly make decisions about a person’s intentions, capabilities and emotions. The six clusters that we use to classify an individual’s behavior (Dominant, Submissiveness,...
When it comes to observing body language and biometric cues, we want to stress the absolute imperative that we have as observers to put behavioral indicators together into clusters. Because gestures have different meaning in different contexts, we have to be cautious in the conclusions that we come to. One body language indicator alone does...
If you ask most veteran Law Enforcement Officers how long it takes to become a strong counter-narcotics or gang officer, you will find answers usually falling within a five to twelve-year range, and usually more specifically around ten years. That is a significant amount of time required to train and develop to become and effective...
If your occupation involves the possibility that you could get killed or that you may have to save the life of someone else, you don’t have a job. You have a profession. Being a professional is a term that gets thrown around quite often, and it is usually reserved for that person who does not...
There are 6 domains used in Tactical Analysis that provide us with 6 different ways to look at the world. When you put these domains together, they allow you to predict what human beings are going to do. For all of the following domains, a profiler has to establish a baseline (the norm for the...
As we break down each section of the body throughout our kinesics class, analyzing gestures, postures, and expressions, we are given a window into a person’s mind. This analysis lets us figure out how you really feel in any given situation. It is the domain that everyone is waiting for, the opportunity to learn how...
This post is very similar to one of PVH’s post entitled Establishing a Baseline? Step One. You enter a new area. A new village. A new marketplace. And you need to establish a baseline fast, and you need to figure out if anyone wants to or is going to try to do you harm. Your...