The Behavior Of Building Relationships – and a CrossFit Gym

October 16, 2012 in Veterans, Business, and Security

I’ve always enjoyed healthy debate as a route to learning.  Having to defend an opinion or point of view makes a person stronger and plays a huge role in developing a deeper understanding of a topic.  There are few people in my life that have challenged me as frequently as Rick Gonzalez, making him a person that I continually rely on when I need to get past a superficial understanding on just about any topic imaginable.  While serving together in the Combat Hunter Program our conversations often led to new insights or new ways to reach students.  Because he has since gone on to open CrossFit Carlsbad in Carlsbad, CA our conversations now focus more on the challenges of starting and running a small business.  He recently offered up his thoughts on developing the relationships needed to grow your business to stability and success that I wanted to pass on to readers here.

Listen to Their Body Language – Not Your Voice

written by: Rick Gonzalez

For the past 3 years I have spent my time as a Marine teaching other Marines how to proactively identify threats in a combat environment.  Through the use of body language and other environmental cues, Marines would have more data gained from the world around them to make fast and frugal decisions.  When I separated from the Marine Corps, I assumed those skills were not transferable to a world of business.  I was wrong. Continue reading »

What Is A Professional?

September 30, 2012 in Books and Resources, Veterans, Business, and Security

In his recent book Turning Pro, Steven Pressfield listed the habits and qualities that the professional possesses that the amateur doesn’t:

  1. The professional shows up every day
  2. The professional stays on the job all day
  3. The professional is committed over the long haul
  4. For the professional, the stakes a high and real
  5. The professional is patient
  6. The professional seeks order
  7. The professional demystifies
  8. The professional acts in the face of fear Continue reading »

Thank Advisors In Their World – Not Yours

September 25, 2012 in Veterans, Business, and Security

Networking and looking to outsiders was a bit of a culture shock for me after getting out of the Marines and starting Active Analysis.  Marines generally see networking as a passive act and while we might meet other Marines in schools or during overlapping deployments, rarely do you actively look outside of your unit for anything.  Units are designed to be self-sufficient, so when you do meet someone outside your unit, you probably already have that capability nearby and don’t need any outside support.  Because of this, we seldom take the time to develop the mutually beneficial relationships that you need to succeed as a small business. Looking back at how I dealt with this early on, I know that I handled some of these better than others.  Some introductions led to new prospects, some led to great advice, while others led to almost burned bridges.

How should a new business deal with these unexpected advisors and supporters?

Thank them for their time and guidance in their world, not yours. Continue reading »

Dear World – Have You Lost Your Mind?

September 17, 2012 in Veterans, Business, and Security

After watching the North Africa and the Middle East explode for the last week, I think it’s time to welcome those countries to the free world.  Here’s why – what we are facing right now isn’t freedom of speech – it’s anarchy. Anarchy is chaos where there aren’t any consequences for your actions.  Freedom has consequences.

If you would like to protest outside of an embassy, feel free.  I say protest because protests have rules and, as long as the protest doesn’t take a violent turn, feel free to chant and scream as much as you want.  That’s freedom.  But when your protest involves firing automatic weapons and Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs) at our embassies, it is no longer a protest. They killed an ambassador which is an act of war, and war has consequences.  As Marines continue to deploy to Yemen, Sudan, Beirut, and to every other embassy that needs support, do the protestors assume that the Marines are going to land armed with Nerf weapons and whiffle ball bats?  They are trained, probably amped up, armed, always permitted to defend themselves, and are very accurate with a rifle.  There are consequences when you cross the line.

The Middle East is a lot like the younger brother trying to hang out with his older brother’s pack of friends.  Continue reading »

Why Vets Aren’t Getting Recruited By Corporate America

July 16, 2012 in Veterans, Business, and Security

The title of this post might be a bit misleading.  I‘m not saying that veterans leaving the service shouldn’t be recruited; I’m saying that there are many very qualified former military candidates who aren’t getting contacted at all for positions that they would realistically thrive in.  Many veterans experience a great deal of trouble landing their first job after they transition out of the military despite the clear value they can add to a company.

There are a few reasons this may be happening, but the most significant reason is that many companies and many human resources professionals simply don’t know the specifics of what a veteran can offer.  They often don’t understand what veterans have done in the military and exactly how that translates to private sector success.   However, before we blame the companies for this, vets need to first take a look in the mirror to make sure they have done everything possible to make this work. Continue reading »

Check Out Carlsbad CrossFit

May 17, 2012 in Veterans, Business, and Security

If you live in the North San Diego County area make sure you check out Carlsbad CrossFit near El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road.  My good friend and contributor to this site Rick Gonzalez opened it last month and you won’t be disappointed with the treatment you will get at his box.

If you think about the things that you would want in CrossFit trainers: trainers educated in a wide variety of functional areas, trainers passionate about what they are teaching, innovative programming and a commitment to ensuring their members are continually improving – I assure you that you will not regret your decision to train with him.

I don’t pass out recommendations or referrals lightly or without really believing that the referred will be satisfied and this time is no different.  In terms of being a professional, Rick’s thirst for knowledge and dedication to learning everything he can about a topic has made him the most prepared person in the room more times than I can count.  When it comes to fitness and CrossFit, his passion is clear to everyone he meets and whether you are looking for advice on nutrition, your form during the WOD, or teaching techniques, it wont take you long to realize how much time and effort he has put into preparing to train you.

In addition to improving your performance, many of his trainers are certified as CrossFit Kids instructors and this summer he plans on offering more options for your children as well.

At a minimum, check out his website to learn more.

How Great Leaders Inspire Action

January 26, 2012 in Veterans, Business, and Security


It has been a while since I have linked any videos from, but I love this video and think this video is fitting for many of you who visit this site. Many of you have been through the Combat Hunter Trainer Course, which also means you hold a position of leadership in your units, whether that is as a fire-team leader, squad leader or platoon commander is irrelevant, just that you are a leader. Continue reading »

Team Rubicon Needs Your Help

October 25, 2011 in Veterans, Business, and Security

Former Marines Jake Wood and William McNulty founded Team Rubicon in January 2010 in response to the earthquake in Haiti.  While victims of the quake waited for large relief organizations like the Red Cross to mobilize and make their way in to the disaster area, Team Rubicon (TR) got in within days and immediately started providing medical care to those most in need.  They are comprised of mainly military veterans and medical professionals, and have taken the best those worlds have to offer to create an organization capable of rapid response and commitment to their cause.

In response to the 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Eastern Turkey, TR has deployed a team to begin providing relief and preparing for potential follow on support.  If you would like to learn more about this group or donate in support of their mission in Turkey, visit:
Continue reading »

The Professional – The Warrior Ethos

October 4, 2011 in Veterans, Business, and Security

When it comes to identifying what it means to be a professional, we certainly aren’t the experts.  There are some out there that have done a great deal more research, have put in more thought, and written more about history’s warrior elite than I could ever attempt.  We willingly give credit where it is due.

Take a look at Steven Pressfield’s blog on the “Warrior Ethos.” Or, better yet, get the book.  His research on what it means to choose the life of the warrior, utilizing stories and examples, is humbling.  The blog has excerpts from the book, and it talks about those who have fought from the time of the Spartans to modern day Marines.  He touches on Alexander, the Israelis, and provokes thought by asking if terrorist and mobsters have earned this title of warrior.

Even if you are a veteran of multiple deployments and have already earned the title of professional warrior, Warrior Ethos will provide insight into your peers throughout history.  If you are just beginning your military career, there is more inspiration per page in this book than most others.  Either way, it is certainly worth the read.

Want to see other books that we have read and recommend? Take a look at our complete reading list for our other suggestions.